الموقع الذي يعوض موقع فايسبوك و الذي يدفع لك

رابط التسجيل في الموقع


Renard rusé et le coq arrogant pour les enfants

       Renard affamé intenses jours de la famine même supervisé la mort :Alors il est allé à la recherche d' aliments à consommer ou à remplir le haut de sa faim.       Trouvé dans le parc un  Coq ont couronné choeur le occasionnelle De haut sur le mur , et levé crête en haut de fierté .        Il savait que le renard intelligent coq arrogant esprit faible il insiste pour obtenir qu'il soit de la nourriture pour la semaine , après semaine faim .        Entré de lui avec précaution, et a commencé à boiter une manifestation de faiblesse , de maladie et d'invalidité . 
      Puis il lui dit : 
  • Bonjour , beau coq , ô roi des oiseaux et maître de poulet . 
Coq interprété ces mots dit Fox :
  • Bienvenue sur mon boiteux , que voulez-vous que je vous aide , et toutes les demandes ?
Renard individuelle malicieusement : 
  • Je ne demande rien pour moi-même Mais j'ai entendu dire qu'un groupe de poulets à la recherche de votre courageux belle
Son ajustement personnalisé pour la couronne d'être le roi du poulet . Viens avec moi pour te donner la propriété avant qu'il ne soit trop tard .        Le renard marchait tranquillement , et le pauvre Coq se précipitée  pour atteindre le royaume ,Sur la route, le renard a attaqué par derrière coq trompé.
Il a martelé son cou et le manger.

Ensuite, lécher ses lèvres tout en répétant: Ce n'est pas une sanction vanité recherche d'un autre arrogant.

L'histoire du renard et le corbeau pour les enfants

           Un jour, un oiseau noir plumes à bec jaune hauteLe corps est plein , montrant des signes de bonneArrêt sur de nombreuses branches d'arbres élevés dans le milieu du jardinBelle arbres sont denses et spacieuse maison verte terme abondent où les oiseaux chanteurs et de fleurs colorées et possède dans sa bouche et mettre un morceau de fromage jaune    
           Dans le même temps , sur le renard gris yeux de fourrure GaúrtinEt une grande mâchoire et des dents étaient corps pointu et mince de la gravité de la faimSemble être astucieuse et ingénieuse et de bon sens              Fox voulait tromper le vol pour obtenir un morceau de fromageMais il sait que l'arbre est haut , et il ne peut pas voler pour se rendre à chanterLui a demandé de chanter pour profiter d'une belle voix , et il ouvrit la bouche RavenEt a signé un morceau de fromage dans la bouche du renard , qui était et qui est une victoire et fier.                            

                                 leçon apprise
  •                 Soyez prudent et prendre le devoir de réserve.

Le renard et l'âne gourmand

          Le Renard et l'âne stupide      
   Selon la rumeur, qu'il était une fois un lion a faim et il était prince du renard forêt pleuré et lui dit aller et m'a apporté quelque chose à manger ou pas vrai gastronomique vous.    
     Il est allé renard vite , mais j'ai trouvé l'âne lui dit que le lion à la recherche d' un de le nommer roi de la jungle et je vous Je suis surpris que vous dit âne mais la ctupidité fait croire qu'il est allé avec lui et frapper encore battre al -Assad sur sa tête et lui couper les oreilles Favre cul est rapidement devenu en colère Assad a dit à Fox le droit de le faire , et de l'amener et le seul vrai gastronomique vous.    
   Vlhakh Fox dit l'âne pourquoi il s'est enfui , il a dit qu'il veut ass Aaklna lui dit Fox a dit, vous âne idiot Alors, pourquoi me frappes jusqu'à ce que mes oreilles coupées renard lui dit , et comment couronne Albisk et Baznin Vous avez dit que vous le cul droit revenons.    
  Quand ils sont revenus ce qui est arrivé même frapper à nouveau Assad cul et lui couper la queue et s'enfuit de nouveau Vlhakh Altalb et lui dit pourquoi chaque fois esquivé lui dit qu'il veut que je Aaklna pas que m'aide roi lui dit , comment pouvez -vous vous asseoir sur une chaise et vous queue lui dit: Tu as raison revenons. 
      Lion quand il revint, il se jeta sur son cul et le tuer , et il a dit à Fox aille chercher de sa peau et j'ai raté le foie, le cœur et le cerveau.Fox est allé à dépouiller le cul et est venu pour le foie et le cœur était en colère Lion a déclaré Wayne Fox a déclaré que le cerveau de renard à Lion si son cerveau est retourné deux fois.

Make money by shortening links

Make money by shortening links 
                          Join Link       

Green March 1975

           Green March

         Green March was in 1975 and is a peaceful march without arms disarm only the Koran where Moroccans went to the desert regions to the retrieval and thanks to God, ascribed desert regions without conflict, and even if the liquefaction of a drop of blood and in a peaceful manner.

Dialogue and controls

          Dialogue: A form of talk between two people is exchanged between them speak in a calm atmosphere away from the rivalry and intolerance.
        The debate: Is the feud against dialogue in falsehood and speak based on the severity of the dispute, intolerance, and may lead to a breach of etiquette.
      Dialog controls:
  1. Acceptance of others
  2. Good say
  3. Science and health evidence
  4. Fairness and objectivity


            Science system and the format of the existing knowledge on the scientific method to understand the realities of things. 
          The special status of science in Islam where it does not achieve a prosperous community, and no intellectual progress and civilization, but science. There is a rise of the value of the world's ignorant, because the first benefit and the benefit of others, while the second and hurt does not work. 
             This should seek knowledge, and grandfather collected.

To communicate

            Communication is innate value at which organisms and human, it coexists with others and interact with them.
           If a person is socially nature should communicate to him, in order to understand and mala and only lived alone, isolated from the built race. And can not be achieved only through dialogue that the positive exchange in which ideas, information, opinions and experiences ...


Science in the tiny inscription on the stone:

       In other words, that the more you learn in smallness will not forget what forget along; are some examples: 

  1. If you know of Arts and respect in smallness remain respectful of other of any kind 
  2. The second thing is that all the most important information that you enter in your memory of childhood in the school would keep the length of your life and perhaps may benefit someone else.

         In general, this proverb meant it that whenever I learned something and you will retain its small memory forever

The diversity of sports

There are many in the world of sports:

Rugby. / / Petanque free and unrestricted. / / Golf. / / Long jump. / / Jump higher. / / Steeplechase. / / Bodybuilders. / / Lifting weights. / / Basketball. / / Football. / / American Football. / / table tennis. / / tennis. / / jogging. / / karate. / / Nnbudo. / / wrestling. / / handball. / / swimming. / / hammer Throw. / / discus. / / volleyball. / / taekwondo. / / judo. / / boxing. / / Lotus. / / Alkiuksl. / / ninja.

Benefits of sport

For sports of all kinds are many benefits:

  1. Protects against the incidence of diabetes
  2. Maintaining weight
  3. Reduce the incidence of colds
  4. Memory better and sleep better
  5. Protection of joint disease
  6. Increase self-confidence
  7. Better control of pressures
  8. Control more tense.
  9. Increase the proportion of sperm

Benefits of orange

Benefits of orange

  1.  filtered blood
  2.  removes fever
  3.  is useful for cleaning the pharynx and larynx.
  4.  Cleaner and bladder.
  5.  helps heal wounds.
  6.  strengthens the stomach and strengthens teeth.
  7.  strengthens the nerves.
  8.  orange strengthens bones and reduces Nsphalkolstrul.
  9.  Anti against cough.
  10.  helps to expel gases.
  11.  of Dermatology.
  12.  tumors of the uterus and ovaries.
  13.  avails Faihalat vomiting.
  14.  tumors joints
  15.  strengthens the nervous system.
  16.  prevents many cancers.
  17.  useful for diseases of typhoid.
  18.  useful for people infected with the common cold.
  19.  good medicine to remove gum sores.

Benefits of Garlic

Benefits of Garlic

  1. Treats high blood pressure 
  2. Prevents the formation of blood clots 
  3. Regulates the work of the heart 
  4. Reduces the rate of cholesterol therefore 
  5. Reduces the risk of cancer 
  6. Strong antiseptic and antibacterial 
  7. Antispasmodic. 
  8. Used externally to treat sores 
  9. Appetizing. 
  10. Anti-diabetes. 
  11. Treatment of gravel in the gallbladder. 
  12. Fighting malaria.

5 of the world's richest men

World's richest men in 2013:

  1.  Carlos Slim Helú works in communications for more than a fortune of $ 69 billion 
  2.  Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft Corp. U.S. increase his fortune from $ 61 billion 
  3.  Warren Buffett and U.S. Msttmr months in American Stock Exchange for more than a fortune of $ 44 billion 
  4.  Bernard Arnault, head of French empire Louis Vuitton estimated wealth of 41 billion dollars 
  5.  Amancio Ortega, the owner of a group Aandestacks fortune estimated at 37 billion and 500 million dollars

Benefits of onions

           Usefulness of the onions in strengthening the immune system.

    Many people use onions as an antibiotic for many years saluting famous for his ability to cope with intestinal worms, as it reduces the severity of asthma and reduces swelling caused by arthritis as recommended capturing to address situations of excessive sputum and hoarseness at the level of the sound.

          Vitamins found in onions 

Onions contain a range of vitamins: a significant amount of vitamin (C), vitamin (B), beta-carotene, vitamin (k)

Components carrots

            Dear brothers of the islands and a variety of medical benefits are also are rich in dietary fiber 
Contains carrots:

           Vitamin A // substance beta carotene // high percentage of carbohydrates, which consists mainly of (simple sugar and Alljugintin and materials Baktinah other) // rich in protein and amino acids. // Contains a large amount of alkaline salts influence salts of potassium and the quantity. // Few of sodium salts and calcium iodine, boron, and others. // It contains many vitamins including: termination b 2 b Ä Ä 6 - c - d and the MSM. // characterized by a high proportion of vitamin PP, which is rarely found in other vegetables.

Whiten your teeth

Teeth Whitening 

         To whiten your teeth, dear reader, you must do one of the following: 
  1. Use lemon juice and paralysis by mouth well and then rub the lemon rind with your teeth 
  2. Hold the coal and do it accurately and then rub your teeth 
  3. Buy promises Arc and Knit your teeth whenever you want 
  4. Or using putty and Balvrchat

French protectorate over Morocco 1912

        France imposed protection to Morocco in March 30, 1912 after he signed Sultan Abdul Hafeez French protectorate treaty on the protection list Morocco remained until Morocco gained independence in 1956. 
Under the Treaty of Fez, Morocco section to Thelat reserves: 

1_ the northern region and the southern region under Spanish protection 
2 _Central Region under the French protectorate 
3 _city of Tangier was under the protection of an international between England and France, Germany and Spain.
       Under the Treaty of protection on the following items: 
1_The establishment of a new system cares about administrative reforms, judicial, educational, economic, financial and military
2_Respect for the sanctity of the system Sultan
3_Respect for religious rites 
4_Should be (the need) to help the Sultan military occupations Pallaialh French Moroccan to ensure security

kissing between the couple

Kissing between the couple 

           I had read in an article that the kisses exchanged between the couple have useful properties such as using more than passion between the couple mention benefits: 
  • 1 gives you white teeth. 
  • 2 enhances the immune system. 
  • 3 protect you from wrinkles. 
  • 4 improve mood. 
  • 5 analgesic for headaches

The consequences of adultery

The consequences of adultery: 

              Adultery has serious consequences and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases like Sida and a group of viruses may he lead  to death and sometimes to torment after dealth please  advice to stay away from adultery.

Manifestations of problems Moroccan cities

           Problems are related to the crisis of the Moroccan city of the rapid evolution of the phenomenon of urbanization and as a result of the high population of Moroccan cities Bootarh quick as I moved the proportion of the population of urban during the second half of the century (20) in 1952 from 22% to 55% in 2004 in addition to a rise in the number of cities, especially small and may create rapid urbanization negative repercussions on many levels contributed to the increasing severity of the crisis.

Tangier crisis in 1905

Tangier crisis in 1905

        Tangier crisis in 1905: of the most important causes that affect French-German relations, especially after the signing of the sympathetic French and the English in 1904 in response to the German Emperor William II visited Morocco and his speech, which guarantees the whey from which Germany and thus intensified the conflict between the two countries led to the convening of the Conference green Island in 1906 emerged victorious France politically and confirm its interests in Morocco.

One means of European intervention in the Muslim world at 15th and 16th century

Intervention in the commercial goal for a group of European countries on a number of privileges across multiple treaties privilege not to pay taxes
Interfering in the affairs of the judiciary, where he became consul Alerobion tried before EU and not in front of the judge and the Ottoman under several treaties concluded by the Ottoman states with European countries
The freedom to practice religious rites

Hassan Tower

Hassan Tower of historic buildings located in Rabat, capital of Morocco built by administrative order of the Unitarians Jacob Mansour 1197.1198
Construction materials are formed of different materials which are usually construction Moroccan Andalusian Kahadjr sandy, wages and carved stone, plaster, marble and wood.
There is a mosque on the way ornate Andalusian and Andalusian influences Kairouan is in Sudftan Almusbandtan wall Kairouan direction and effects of past decades Manar Kdlk unequal columns.

Colonial pressures on Morocco During the 19th century

After the occupation of France Algéri in 1830 and the escape of Emir Abdelkader Algeria to Morocco and hunker down by France declared war on the grounds that interference in the internal affairs of France kicked off the battle Easley in 1844 during the reign of Sultan Abdul Rahman bin Hisham at the Moroccan-Algerian border and due to the lack of Morocco on the Army structured and strong defeated within a few hours , which resulted him signing of the Treaty of (Lalamaghenya) year after the war in 1845 and that got through which France privileges dirt and painted Moroccan-Algerian border from the Mediterranean Sea to the pagan Sassi near Figuig while I left the desert border open  ground barren non- exploitation .

Agadir crisis in 1911

Agadir crisis in 1911:

Agadir crisis in 1911: The reasons for France at the age of its military campaign to Fez to intervene Germany sent warships Briggh Panettiere threaten intervening in Morocco this verb push Britain to intervene along with France and Germany threatened to dispute is settled to give up on the part of Morocco versus Alkounko

Dialects and languages ​​of Morocco

Moroccans speak Group of dialects and languages​​, including:

  • Tamazight language: emerged with indigenous Berbers. 
  • Mountain dialect: confined to this dialect in the mountainous areas in northern Morocco. 
  • Worded desert: is also confined to the southern regions. 
  • Classical Arabic: it is the language of the Koran in addition to that Almor Arab state. 
  • French and English: the language is taught in schools.

Challa is a monument historical in Morocco

Challa is truly a historic teacher there in Rabat , dating to 6 century BC .

They were old historians consider it a small city located near the river called ( Salé Cologne ) and called it now Bouregreg valley , due to the history of Challa Alqrnn 7 or 6 BC flourished by virtue of kings Moriyon especially in the covenant ( Yuba ) and Ptolemy is equipped with several public buildings reflect the Hellenistic and Roman .

Starting from 40 AD the city witnessed a new twist under Roman rule and then change where all components of urban create a public arena and bathrooms and the main place of worship and to fortify the wall long extending from the Atlantic coast to the borders of the valley Ekrash

In 144 AD was informed of this small city defensive wall to remain under the control of Romania until the late 4th century and the beginning of the 5th century AD.

Hank remained deserted since the 5th century until the 10th century AD to become a ligament gather the Mujahideen to face the tribe Barghoath still this stage even vaguely Atkhadd Sultan Marini (Abu Yusuf Yaqub) in the year 1284 AD the site of the burial of kings and dignitaries built Marianne stood Ptstad main pole to place houses a mosque and Dara ablutions and dome buried viscosity or splendor.

Arab Feasts

Arab Feasts:

  • Eid al-Fitr: Eid al-Fitr comes after the Ramadan month of fasting and repentance and forgiveness and to draw closer to God is a day celebrated by all people. On this day, the kinship is strongly present as our religion Islam claim to kinship, whether feasts or no feats.

  • Eid al-Adha: The Muslim Bdbh sheep be in the 10 November the whole world celebrates this day, this celebration extends until December 13, which will be completed Hajj pilgrims before him one day, which is the last day of the Hajj, the pilgrims ascend to Mount Arafat.
  • Much of the night: the greatest night in the history of the Muslims on the descent of the Holy Quran at Prophet, peace be upon him at the hands of Gabriel

The délicious foods in the Morocco

Morocco is characterized by the diversity of foods that are whole and healthy appetite, including:

  • Couscous: semolina and is stewed vegetables, which they hosed her That, That a pot in which the first two layers of vegetables and chicken or meat, and in the second semolina. 
  • Tagine: made of pottery and is decorated with multiple forms and vegetables, which are placed after being cooked on charcoal in order to be nice to 

This is the famous foods  in Morocco and Olzha


Moroccan wedding

Moroccan wedding is a day to celebrate the marriage after the sermon on this day is a special at any newlyweds, the bride and groom's family were present for the celebration, dancing and singing, attending a couple bands to revive this concert.

After the ceremony and dance are offering all kinds of cuisine of chicken, meat, soft drinks and fruit in the last

The day after the wedding the couple spend the sweetest day of their lives to go to a honeymoon to any city of their choice, where the man enjoys his wife because she became solver it.

So the moroccan wedding is the finest what can that meets the eye.

Henna defined and their uses when Arabs

Among the Moroccan culture use henna is a shrub be hunched over the same live about three years and may live to ten, always putting green, multiple branches, about 3 meters in length, the henna plant is a plant Hgeraa multi Roots available on the red breast and leg as well as the multi-There are branches aside be green when mature but turns to brown color

  • Moroccans use henna to decorate I'll leave you the pictures speak for themselves definition

  • Also used beauty for dyeing hair (This special henna)

This is a picture henna powder

The most beautiful tourist country in the world in africa.

Of the most beautiful tourist country in Africa by her beauty: 

  • Morocco: Morocco top of the standings to receive 9.29 million tourists. 
  • South Africa: The number of tourist arrivals numbered 8.07 million tourists. 
  • Tunisia: the number of tourists 6.90 million tourists. 
  • Zimbabwe: The number of tourists, 2.24 million tourists. 
  • Algeria: the number of tourists 1.91 million tourists. 
  • Botswana: The number of tourists, 1.55 million tourists. 
  • Nigeria: The number of tourists, 1.41 million tourists. 
  • Kenya: The number of tourists, 1.39 million tourists. 
  • Namibia: The number of tourists 0.980 million tourists.
According to figures from 2009/2010

The best Place in The Morocco

If chosen Morocco as a tourist destination will never regret because they are all historical and tourist cities as there are a variety of programs for tourism : Honeymoon ; family ; economic .
Sort tourist cities by its beauty :

  • Marrakech: Morocco banned if you can not visit Marrakech are not available on the exploits of great historical collector Technical , the Koutoubia Mosque and the lighthouse.
  • Southern : If you go to the Moroccan Sahara , enjoy the warm golden sands
  • Rabat : mausoleum of Mohammed V and Hassan to Udayh and Challa
  • Agadir : and are known as golden sands
  • Atlantic areas : by high mountain ranges are of great beauty in winter all be covered with white ( snow) .

Morocco is simply the whole is worth a visit for availability on several areas worthy of stunning rob minds

Morocco's history

Morocco is in the north of African continent overlooking the facets cruises the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea is characterized by a long history because it's been several sultans ruled several strong and powerful empires were available on a very powerful armies of these empires:

  • State Idrisid: which entered the north of Morocco, under the rule of Idrisids showed signs of separation of this region after several attempts realized this desire for the emergence of the Emirate in the north of Morocco is a country Idrisids year 788 AD He was the founder of this state Idris bin Abdullah sheer top al-Hashemi, who came to Morocco maximum result trap 786 m near Mecca assassinated Mawla Idris I Bmkidh hatched Abbasid Caliph Harun al-Rashid which carried out the poisoned perfume; Apparent after his son Idris II after the age of 12, he built the city of Fez.

  • State stationed: in a century 11 noon what is known today and they are a group of nomads belonging to the tribe of Mtonh and splice also able to Abdullah ibn Yassin and is a religious reformers of the unification of these two tribes organize according to religious laws; were able to create their own state with its capital in Marrakech in 1069 with the help of Yousef Bin Tashfin extend their authority on the overall Morocco in 1086 AD and this is Yusuf Ibn Yasin, the first king of united Morocco Far from north to south by these expansions.

  • State Aloutasah: they are the words of the Berber dynasty began with their backs Meridinide where distributed power in Morocco was the maximum share is an area of ​​the countryside and from there began expansions urged toppled Marin took over the state of Beni-year rule (1358; 1375) and (1393; 1458)
Indigenous language is Tamazight

      And this is considered a long history of Morocco for the passage of important historical stages