Fiercest 10 breeds of dogs

We offer you in this article the fiercest 10 breeds of dogs

1_Pit Bulls : 

Origin: United States

Weight: 30-55 lbs.

Height: 18-22 inches


Origin: Germany

Weight: 85-110 lbs

Height: 23-27 inches

3_German Shepherd:

                                                       Origin: Germany
Weight: 70-85 lbs.

Height: 22-26 inches

Origin: Siberia

Weight: 35-55 lbs.

Height: 20-24 inches

5_Alaskan Malamutes:
Origin: North America

Weight: 80-110 lbs

Height: 23-28 inches

Origin: Germany

Weight: 65-90 lbs.

Height: 26-28 inches

7_Chow Chow:
Origin: China

Weight: 40-65 lbs.

Height: 18-22 inches

8_Presa Canario:
Origin: Canary Islands and Africa

Weight: 100-125 lbs

Height: 25-26 inches


Origin: Germany

Weight: 50-64 lbs.

Height: 20-25 inches

Original: the Balkans and India

Weight: 40-70 pounds

Height: 20-24 inches

10 richest countries in the world

Money is one of the most essential ingredient for the progress of any state, the state that improve exploit the resources of nature and industry are smart state, when the state is rich in resources and wealth will not be to resort to loans and predecessor and other things that have a negative impact on its economy.

Mention the 10 richest countries in the world:

1_Qatar                           : GDP of Qatar 10,276,869 dollars.
2_ Luxembourg              : GDP of Luxembourg $ 8,067,906.
3_Snghafoora                 : GDP of Singapore dollars 6,088,333 .
4_Norway                        : GDP of Norway $ 5,526,445.
5_Hong Kong                  : The total GDP of Hong Kong  $ 5,070,895.
6_Brunei Darussalam    : The total GDP of the State of Brunei 5,052,635 dollars.
7_USA                             : GDP of America  $ 4,982,015.
8_United Arab Emirates : The total GDP of the United Arab Emirates 4,899,247 dollars.
9_Switzerland                  : GDP of Switzerland 452 858 dollars and is expected to rise to $ 45,000 by                                             2018.
10_Kuwait                        : GDP of the State of Kuwait $ 43,846.72.

The negative effects of obesity

According to the World Health Organization estimates that there are 10% of the people of this world are facing problems of obesity. (First signs of obesity)
Obesity affects on the body include:


Obesity causes high cholesterol in the blood, why push to the deposition of fat on the blood vessels, increasing the load on the heart and lung. Obese patient is a candidate for heart disease and stroke.


The load on the joints and tissues increases due to increased body fat, thereby hindering the movement and increases the risk of arthritis, and the roughness of the knee


Obesity is the primary cause of imbalance and ill pancreas,

4_High blood pressure :

High blood pressure increases three-fold in people with obesity compared with ordinary people. An infected with obesity and overweight suffering from high blood pressure significantly.


Leads increase in body weight to higher pressure on the genital areas (especially in men) where it is killing many of the the sperm, in addition to the deformation of many of them; thus the man becomes less able to reproduce.

First signs of obesity

In the present day obesity has become a phenomenon feared by the majority of people because of their damage on the health indicators of them are:

1. cellulite:

 It means that the fat has begun to accumulate in in certain parts of the body : stomach, thighs and arms and this shows that there is a significant risk that increases weight and it is best to follow the diet before the worsening situation.

2. pain in the knee:

Of the most important signs and symptoms of obesity when increasing body weight increases the pressure on the knee and thus feeling pain in the knee when the movement and the pain disappear with the followers of the diet and the pursuit of weight loss. If the pain persists must go when the doctor to verify the absence of one of the health problems in the knee and the pain is not due to the increase in weight.

3. Shortness of breath:

When the accumulation of fat on the estomac and chest level ,starts with the appearance of symptoms of shortness of breath when doing less muscular effort and this is one of the most important early signs of obesity. You must remedy this shortness of breath and start in the treatment of obesity before increasing weight in an exaggerated manner as a result of obesity.

4. high cholesterol:(and is associated with increased cholesterol in the blood)

The strange thing is that the signs of obesity in children and is dangerous to health and requires quick intervention to lose weight and this is done through exercise and lifestyle changes and follow a diet types to get rid of the risks of obesity and the risks to health.

5. Hypertension:
And high blood pressure for several reasons including: obesity that run on high cholesterol and thus hardening of the arteries and disrupt the blood, high blood pressure flow; when you see the signs of Hypertension should first find out if there was an increase weight or no and start to get rid of obesity quickly to control it.

6. Varicose:
It means rupture of blood vessels under the skin and are caused by obesity or stand for long periods, at the beginning of appearing must follow the weight gain, and if found to be an exaggeration happened increase in the weight, know that obesity found its way to you. You must move quickly and begin to find a way to treat obesity and get rid of excess weight.

Renard rusé et le coq arrogant pour les enfants

       Renard affamé intenses jours de la famine même supervisé la mort :Alors il est allé à la recherche d' aliments à consommer ou à remplir le haut de sa faim.       Trouvé dans le parc un  Coq ont couronné choeur le occasionnelle De haut sur le mur , et levé crête en haut de fierté .        Il savait que le renard intelligent coq arrogant esprit faible il insiste pour obtenir qu'il soit de la nourriture pour la semaine , après semaine faim .        Entré de lui avec précaution, et a commencé à boiter une manifestation de faiblesse , de maladie et d'invalidité . 
      Puis il lui dit : 
  • Bonjour , beau coq , ô roi des oiseaux et maître de poulet . 
Coq interprété ces mots dit Fox :
  • Bienvenue sur mon boiteux , que voulez-vous que je vous aide , et toutes les demandes ?
Renard individuelle malicieusement : 
  • Je ne demande rien pour moi-même Mais j'ai entendu dire qu'un groupe de poulets à la recherche de votre courageux belle
Son ajustement personnalisé pour la couronne d'être le roi du poulet . Viens avec moi pour te donner la propriété avant qu'il ne soit trop tard .        Le renard marchait tranquillement , et le pauvre Coq se précipitée  pour atteindre le royaume ,Sur la route, le renard a attaqué par derrière coq trompé.
Il a martelé son cou et le manger.

Ensuite, lécher ses lèvres tout en répétant: Ce n'est pas une sanction vanité recherche d'un autre arrogant.

L'histoire du renard et le corbeau pour les enfants

           Un jour, un oiseau noir plumes à bec jaune hauteLe corps est plein , montrant des signes de bonneArrêt sur de nombreuses branches d'arbres élevés dans le milieu du jardinBelle arbres sont denses et spacieuse maison verte terme abondent où les oiseaux chanteurs et de fleurs colorées et possède dans sa bouche et mettre un morceau de fromage jaune    
           Dans le même temps , sur le renard gris yeux de fourrure GaúrtinEt une grande mâchoire et des dents étaient corps pointu et mince de la gravité de la faimSemble être astucieuse et ingénieuse et de bon sens              Fox voulait tromper le vol pour obtenir un morceau de fromageMais il sait que l'arbre est haut , et il ne peut pas voler pour se rendre à chanterLui a demandé de chanter pour profiter d'une belle voix , et il ouvrit la bouche RavenEt a signé un morceau de fromage dans la bouche du renard , qui était et qui est une victoire et fier.                            

                                 leçon apprise
  •                 Soyez prudent et prendre le devoir de réserve.